Exam Sessions

Each institute conducts exams in their own ways. OpenEduCat provides a way to create exam session based on the course and batch.

You can go to the Exams ‣ Exams ‣ Exam Sessions. Click on Create button to create new Exam Session.


Details of Exam Sessions

  • Exam Session :- Provide a name to the exam session. Exam session name should be reasonable according to the exam being held.

  • Exam Session Code :- Also Provide apppropriate code to the Exam Session. It should not be more than 8 characters long.

  • Start Date and End Date :- Provide the Start Date and End Date on which the exam will start and end.

  • Course :- Select the Course for which the exam is to be taken.

  • Batch :- Based on the selection of course, list of batch appears, select the Batch from the list for which exam is conducted.

  • Exam Type :- Select exam type whether it is sessional or annual.

  • Evolution Type :- Select Evolution type whether it is normal or grade.

  • Venue :- Select the Room from the available list which will used for exam.

  • Exam(s) :- Exam Session includes number of exams(Subject wise), these exam are shown in exam field.