Attendance Register

OpenEduCat provides the Attendance maintenance facility for an institute.To maintain attendance ,attendance register is created for particular batch and course.

Go to Attendances ‣ Attendance ‣ Registers.The below image shows the detail of attendance register.


Details of Attendance Register Form

  • Name :- Set name of the attendance register here.

  • Code :- Set code of the attendance register here.

  • Course :- Select course for which the attendance register is created.

  • Batch :- Select batch for which the attendance register is created.

  • Subject :- Select subject for which the attendance register is created.

  • Section :- If you want to create attendance register based on section select the particular section based on select course, batch and subject.

  • Auto Create :- Auto Create a attendance sheet.

  • Auto Create If Session :- Auto create a sheet if session is created.

  • Auto create sheet duration :- Auto create a sheet daily, weekly or monthly.