
OpenEduCat learning management system helps you to reate your online course. Create your sections and course material in it.

Configure Course

To configure the course, follow the below steps :-

Go to LMS ‣ Courses. Click on Create to create a new Course.


Details of Course Form

  1. Name :- Name of the course. It will be displayed in whole system.

  2. Code :- Code of the course. Unique code for course.

  3. Confirm Date :- Confirm date on that you have confirm and published your course.

  4. Created By :- User who have create course and published.

  5. Visibility Policy :- Visibility policy can be any of three 1. Everyone, 2. Logged in users, 3. Invited Users.

  6. Navigation Policy :- It defines how user can navigate from one material to another.

  7. Short Description :- Short description of your course, just like tag line.

  8. Full Description :- Full description to describe which type of content your course includes and target audience or any requirement of knowledge for this course, you can describe it here.

Course Materials

Sections and materials that are created under that course, Display sequence and time.



List of all the faculties that are author of that course.


Suggested Course

Provide related or same course that you would suggest to user who enrolled for that.



Add your categories that you want to add, User can find course by this categories.



Sections and materials that are created under that course, Display sequence and time.

../../_images/course_section_11.png ../../_images/course_section_21.png


Materials that are created under that course.

../../_images/course_material_11.png ../../_images/course_material_21.png


List of enrollments of the users who have enrolled for the course.

../../_images/course_enroll_11.png ../../_images/course_enroll_21.png

Configure Material

Create your material to publish it online. Set your material type, add your content or url and publish it. To create the material, follow the below steps :-

Go to LMS ‣ Materials. Click on Create to create a new material.


Details of Material Form

  1. Name :- Name of the course material. It will be displayed in whole system. The maximum size of the name is 32 characters.

  2. Created By :- Logged in user name.

  3. Website Url :- Url of the course material website, the full URL to access the document through the website.

  4. Auto Publish :- Material auto publish to users who has enrolled for that course.

  5. Auto Publish Type :- When auto publish has been selected ; it has two options - Wait until or wait until duration.

  6. Wait Until :- This option has the date to select on auto publish.

  7. Wait Until Duration :- Wait until duration provides more details, It categorises into waiting duration minutes, hours ,days, weeks, months and years.

  8. Wait at least period :- It categorises into waiting duration minutes, hours ,days, weeks, months and years.


Configure h5p url

Go to LMS ‣ Material. Click on Create to create a new Material.


Document on Material Form

  1. Material Type :- Select the H5p URL option from the dropdown.

  2. URL :- Add the H5p URL in URL field.

H5p Student side View

Students can see h5p material in Particular Course.


Auto Publish

Material auto publish to users who enrolled for that course



Enrollment show the details of enrolled users who have enrolled for the particular course. To create the material, follow the below steps :-

Go to LMS ‣ Enrollments.


Details of Enrollment Form

  1. Index :- It is the one kind of Unique Identification number.

  2. Course :- Name of the course in which user has registered.

  3. User :- Name of the user who have registered for the course.

  4. Enrollment Date :- Date on which user has enrolled for the course.

  5. Completion Date :- Completion date on which user has completed course.

  6. Navigation Policy :- Policy of course that user can navigate from one material to another.

  7. Completed Percentage :- Value that show how many percentage of course user has completed.

  8. Material Line :- Material line to show which material user has viewed.


Create your course categories to set categories on course. To create the category, follow the below steps :-

Go to LMS ‣ Configuration ‣ Course Category.


Details of Enrollment Form

  1. Name :- Name of category.

  2. Code :- Set unique code for category.

  3. Icon :- Set favicon icon and which will be visible on home.

  4. Parent Category :- Name of parent category if that category in under of any other category.

  5. Description :- Add your description to tell about category.