Media Unit¶
When a new media unit is created, OpenEduCat assumes that media unit is available in library. So now a librarian can perform operations like issue media unit, return media unit etc..
Thus once a media unit is created, its default state is Available
Go To Create
to create a new media unit.
Details of Media Units¶
Name :- Provide the name for Media Unit.
Media :- Select the media from list for which media unit is created.
Barcode :- Provide the barcode of the media.
Media Type :- Select Media Type.
Issue Media¶
Click on Issue Media to allocate the media unit to a person. It opens the below wizard. Here you can specify details related to the allocation.
Details of Media Issue Wizard¶
Transaction Type :- Transaction Type is used to show whether the media unit is being issued or returned.
Media Unit Number :- Media unit Number is the number of the media that is being allocated to a unit. They are set by OpenEduCat only when you click on Isuue Media button.
Library Card :- You can Write Library card number assigned to you in order to issue.
Return Media¶
To return a media unit, click on Return Media button. It opens a wizard where you can mention the actual return date of the media unit. By default todays date appear in this field.
Click on Proceed button to actually return a media unit. It closes the wizard and changes the state of media unit from Issued to Available.
If media is returned after due date than penalty is calculated as shown in image.