
Placement Team

OpenEduCat provides functionality of a dedicated team which works throughout the year to provide better placement to all the students in their area of interest. OpenEduCat allows you to store the details of the Placement Team ,their team leader and their team members.

Go to Placement ‣ Placement Team ‣ Placement Cell Team. Click on Create to create a new Placement Team.


Details of Placement Team Form

  1. Placement Cell Team :- Set the name of the Placement Cell Team.

  2. Team Leader :- Select the leader of the placement cell team .

  3. Team Members :- Select the team members for whom the placement cell team is created.


OpenEduCat provides the feature to post the announcement of the Job Post by the placement team.

Go to Placement ‣ Announcement ‣ Activity Announcement. Click on Create to create a new announcement for the Job.


Details of Activity Announcement Form

  1. Name :- Set the name for the Announcement of the Job Post.

  2. Organization :- Select the organization who posted the Job Post Announcement.

  3. Job Post :- Select the Job Post.

  4. Required Skills :- Select the required skills for the Job post.

  5. Handled By :- Select the Placement Team who will handle this job post announcement.

  6. Start Date :- Set the Start Date of the Job Post Announcement.

  7. End Date :- Set the End Date of the Job Post Announcement.

  8. Description :- Set the description for the Job Post Announcement

Job Applicant

These created activity announcements are displayed under Campus Activities menu on the website. Any student can apply for the any activity announcement by logging into their account.

  • First student will login into their account and go the Campus Activities menu.

  • Then the student can see the details of the Activity in which she/he is interested.

  • Then the student can apply for the job under that activity according to their skills and click on Yes I Am Interested! button.

  • Then student can upload their documents to apply for the job and click on the Submit button.

  • Then the confirmation message will be displayed.

  • Admin can see the applicant under Job Applicant menu in the Job module.


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