How To Configure Google Meet¶
Configuration steps for Google Meet¶
Go to and Login with your Google account.

Click on Select a Project
at top-bar and click on New Project

Fill out the Project name and click on Create

Click on API’s & Services –> Library, and select your Project.

Search for Google Calendar API and enable it.

Click on API’s & Services –> OAuth consent screen.

Select External User Type and click on Create

Fill out the application name, email and at the bottom click on Save And Continue

After Fill the form click on Back To Dashboard

Click on Credentials

–> OAuth client ID

After click on OAuth client ID
, one form will open.

Application Type :- Select the application type from the list.
Name :- This name is only used to identify the client in the console and will not be shown to end user.
Authorized JavaScript origins :- Add redirect url.
Authorized redirect URIs :- Add Domain again in redirect url and append
After Fill the form click on Create
After click on Create
OAuth client created.

Save your both Client ID and Client Secret as it will be used further.