Grading Reports

Grade By Course

Go to Grade Book ‣ Reports ‣ Grade By Course. Here you will find a GradeBook By Course.

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Grade By Batch

Go to Grade Book ‣ Reports ‣ Grade By Batch. Here you will find a GradeBook By Batch.


Grade By Subject

Go to Grade Book ‣ Reports ‣ Grade By Batch. Here you will find a GradeBook By Subject.

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Grade Analysis

Go to Grade Book ‣ Reports ‣ Grade Analysis. Here you will find a Grade Analysis of the students.


Honour Roll

Go to Grade Book ‣ Reports ‣ Honour Roll. Click on Create to create a new Honour Roll.

  1. Academic Year :- Select the Academic Year from the dropdown list whose honour roll we want to create.

  2. Background Image :- Set the background image which you want to set on report’s backgroung.

  3. Course :- Select the course from the dropdown list whose honour roll we want to create.

  4. Subject :- Select the subject from the dropdown list whose honour roll we want to create.

  5. From Percentage :- Set the from percentage for honour roll.

  6. To Percentage :- Set the to percentage for honour roll.

Click on Generate Honour Roll to get the list of students based on selected year, course, from and to percentage.

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Click on Print --> Honour Roll Certificate to print Honour Roll Certificate.

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Click on Print --> Honour Roll List to print Honour Roll List.

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