Whatsapp Business Configuration¶
How to register your business:¶
Step 1: Go to https://business.facebook.com/
Step 2: Click on the ‘Create Account’ button at the top-right corner of the page.
Step 3: Below pop-up will appear once you click on create an account.
- Step 4: Enter the business name, your name, and the email ID for your business
manager account.
Step 5: After entering the details, click on the submit button.
- Step 6: After clicking on the submit button, follow the instruction in the pop-up
that appears next.
- Step 7: Open the confirmation email in your inbox and click on confirm now. (If
the confirmation email is not visible in the Primary Inbox, check the Social or Promotions tab in the Email Inbox.)
- Step 8: After clicking on the confirm button, you will be directed to the business
settings page indicating that the business manager account has been created.
Step 9: You can also refer this https://www.facebook.com/business/help/1710077379203657?id=180505742745347
How to Create Meta Developer Account:¶
- Step 1: While logged into your Facebook account, You can go to
https://developers.facebook.com/ then click on Get Started .
Step 2: Verify your account with your mobile number with the country.
Step 3: Review your email address to send notifications.
Step 4: Select Developer from what describes your selection options.
- Step 5: Now that you have registered. You can also refer to this point https://developers.facebook.com/docs/development/register for register Meta
developer account.
Create App in Meta:¶
Before You Start You must be logged into your Facebook developer account. You can go to https://developers.facebook.com/
- Step 1: Start to Create App Process.First click on My Apps then Click on Create
App button.
Step 2: Select Business from Select type options. Then click on Next .
- Step 3: Here, You can add your app name and contact email address. and also
Select Business account for add app in business account. Then, Click on Create App .
How to register your business in meta(refer point 1)
- Step 4: Once you have completed the app creation flow your app will be loaded in
the App Dashboard. Then, Click on Add Product to add products in the App.
- Step 5: You can also refer to this link
How to link your Facebook page with business:¶
Once your Business Manager Account is created, you will have to add your business page to it.
How to Register Your Business with Meta(refer point 1.)
- You can now connect your page with the Business Manager Account. Follow the
below steps:
Step 1: On the left-hand side navigation pane, go to the Accounts → Pages tab.
Step 2: Click on the Add button and then click on Add Page.
Step 3: The pop-up will appear.
- Step 4: Click on the Add Page button. If you’re the admin of that page, it will be
automatically added.
WhatsApp Product in Meta:¶
Go to https://developers.facebook.com/ then Click on your new created app Whatsapp Product Details:
Add WhatsApp in App¶
Click on WhatsApp to add a product in App.
App ID & App Secret key¶
Go to Settings ‣ Basic Click on Show to see your App secret key & App ID. This Secret key and App ID will be used to create a Kwim Business Account.
Access Token, Phone ID, Whatsapp Business ID¶
Go to WhatsApp ‣ Getting started. You can get your Temporary Access Token , Whatsapp Phone ID And WhatsApp Business ID here. This will be used in Kwim Business Account creation. How to register your phone number in WhatsApp business account in meta(refer point 6)
Webhook Configuration:¶
What is webhook:
▪ When you receive a message or when a message’s status has changed, you need to set up a Webhooks endpoint for your app to receive the message.
◦ Step 1: Go to https://developers.facebook.com/ then open your created app.
- ◦ Step 2: In your App Dashboard, find the WhatsApp product and click Configuration. Then, find the webhooks section and click Configure a webhook or Edit . After the
click, a dialog appears on your screen and asks you for two items:
- ◦ Callback URL: This is the URL Meta will be sending the events to. So you
have to add your URL here. ( Example: https ://www.abcdef.com/webhook)
- ◦ Verify Token: This string is set up by you, when you create your kwim business account .( Example: abc12345 )
How to Create business account in Kwim(refer point 7.1)
◦ Step 3: After adding the information, click Verify and Save.
◦ Step 4: Click on Manage to add webhook fields access to your app.
How to link your WhatsApp Business Profile with your Phone number:¶
Step 1: On the left-hand side navigation pan, go to WhatsApp → Getting Started .
Step 2: Click on Add phone Number to Enter the mobile number to send and receive messages.
Step 3: Here you can add phone number display name, Category, timezone etc.
Step 4: Verify your mobile number with OTP and click on the Done button
Step 5: You can also refer to this link
https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/cloud-api/get-started/add-a-phone-number for configuring phone number in your whatsapp business account.
KWIM Business Configuration:¶
Create KWIM Business:¶
Go to Kwim ‣ Configuration ‣ Business. Click on Create to create a new Business. Details of Business
Shop Name :- Add the name of Shop/Business.
Business Profile Picture :- Upload your Business Profile Picture.
Business Account Id :- Add the Business Account Id. Get Business Account Id(refer point 3.3)
App Id :- Add the App Id. Get App Id(refer point 3.2)
Phone Number ID :- Add the Phone Number ID. Get Phone Number ID(refer point 3.3)
Default Chat Assign To :- Add the Default Chat Assign To.
App Secret Key :- Add the App Secret Key. Get App Secret Key(refer point 3.2)
Webhook Verify Token :- Add the Webhook Verify Token.
Mobile Number :- Add the Mobile Number.
Country :- Add the Country.
Access Token :- Add the Access Token.
Get Access Token(refer point 3.3)
Configure Website view of WhatsApp Chat¶
Go to Kwim ‣ Configuration ‣ Business. Click on the WhatsApp Chat tab to Chat to your website. 1. Website :- Select the website you want to display your chat. Click on Chat Configure to select the template.
Link Your WhatsApp Phone Number with KWIM App:¶
- Step 1: Once your Business Manager Account is created, after that.
How to Register Your Business with Meta(refer point 1.)
- Step 2: Then, you have to create a Meta developer account and create app for
your business account.
How to create Meta developer account(refer point 1.)
Step 3: Then, Add WhatsApp product in your app.
- Step 4: Create Business account in kwim and add business data.
How to create Business Account In Kwim (refer point 7.1)